Y’know when there’s so much to say and so much goin’ on that its hard to know where to begin so you don’t? Yeah. That’s what’s been happening here. It happens to me a lot. My still-favourite analogy of that is the ole-faithful spinning top. To an onlooker at first glance the object appears stationary, but upon closer inspection is in fact spinning and spinning and spinning…. That’s me most of the time.

Since my last entry so much has gone down. I’ve been to Europe and back, turned over a few new leaves and made new connections, new songs, written songs and torn them up, fractured a foot bone, rocked a cast, crutches, and two x-rays with a third on the way.

I also lost my voice for the first time in my entire life just over a week ago which was terrifying. I’d never known what it felt like to open my mouth to speak and literally no sounds comes out.  We all need our voices its true, but for someone that is reliant on their voice to eventually provide the sole source of bread and butter- it knocked the wind out of me (pun intended). So severe vocal rest was needed pronto, and my voice is now back with a new-lease and a vengeance.  I like to believe that things like this are the Universe’s way of telling me something….. Or to remind me of something. In this case, it was almost a bit of the classic “you don’t know what you got til its gone” scenario. Self explanatory. Let’s just say that all I’ve been doin since the voice returned is sing, sing, sing…

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